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Backstory 69: Hitting the Fan

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Good-bye airbike, it would have been nice to see more of you!

Pretty sure Sally wins the reference here, as those fans look like they’re attached to Nest’s forearms. I would have referenced Suki or Yumi myself; I don’t think Wonder Woman ever had anything fan-like for a weapon. Deflecting blaster bolts has to be pretty tricky when you’re not a Force user though, so this is still pretty darn cool.

And hey Ben, “electroripper” sounds a lot cooler than “laser sword” or “bowcaster”! It probably won’t be as cool as either of those though since we’ll probably get to see almost none of it in action. Plus, it’s not even glowing! Cool looking weapons have a glow, even if they’re subtle Tron-lines or blaster bolts.


Jim: Beckett had hooked up the last cable, but Enfys Nest leapt onto the train from his airbike!
Beckett: Onto a high-speed train. Nice. Just saying.
[SFX]: jump
GM: Yeah, yeah.
Jim: Beckett fired, but Nest deflected the bolts using metal fans.
[SFX]: Pow!
Enfys Nest: Ooh! Like Wonder Woman?
[SFX]: K-tang!
Jim: No! Not like Wonder Woman at all. Like a man, using metal fans.
Enfys Nest: Not as cool, but still pretty cool.
Beckett: Not entirely convinced.
[SFX]: Pow! Pow! K-tang!
Jim: Nest closed to melee range to use his electroripper staff.
Chewbacca: “Electroripper”? Seriously?
Beckett: Okay, now that’s cool.

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Published: Wednesday, 07 September, 2022; 04:00:51 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net