Darths & Droids


Bonus Material

Here is a bunch of behind-the-scenes bonus material related to Darths & Droids.

Director’s Commentary

These are notes on individual strips, explaining things such as the meaning of the strip title, any references to other media (movies, books, songs, etc.), rejected alternative ideas, extra jokes we didn’t end up using, and foreshadowing or potentially hidden character motivations.

These notes contain copious spoilers and should not be read before the comics of the relevant movie. That’d be like watching the director’s commentary for a movie before watching the movie. Read the comics first, then come back here.

Story planning

These are our original story planning notes on each movie. They contain plans for the players, the (Star Wars) characters, the plot of each movie, continuity notes, lists of ideas, and “stupid things we need to explain” about the movies. Spoilers here are even worse, as we often set things up several movies in advance. You should probably read the whole comic to date before looking at any of this.

Our comics: Darths & Droids | Irregular Webcomic! | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | The Prisoner of Monty Hall | mezzacotta
Blogs: dangermouse.net (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earths is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (whatever) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics we host: Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
Published: Sunday, 12 January, 2025; 23:03:44 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net