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Backstory 64: Rio Danger Near-o

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ahh, so the airbikes are less for hijacking the haul and more for hijacking the hauler. That at least makes more sense. Shooting the AT-hauler down would be extremely counterproductive in that case as that’s how the car would be stolen in the end.

Hang on. If Chi’ra lost his grip and had to disconnect the safety line to avoid an impact leading to a drop on the car below, that would have to mean that the car is built or clamped around the rail then right? How would the car be liftable even if it was disconnected from the engine? Is it yet another thing that would need to be disconnected? There hasn’t been anything pointed out so far.

Honestly, disconnecting the coaxium car from the engine would have made so much more sense for a successful heist. As we already knew this wouldn’t be successful though (given that Han wasn’t rich in the main movies), I can’t complain too much about all the ways this plan could have been improved.

I bet the GM read this bit and set up the composter to allow this to happen. It’s a minor detail, but the minor details add up to make for great character moments.


Jim: One of Nest’s raiders climbed onto the AT-hauler.
[SFX]: Zeeow! zeeow!
Jim: Another shot a harpoon into the coaxium car, causing me to lose my grip!
[SFX]: Spang!
Jim: Dangling from the safety line, I had to unhook it to avoid being hit by a monorail support tower!
Rio: I got an uninvited guest!
[SFX]: Pow! Pow!
Jim: I climbed up while blaster fire ricocheted inside the AT-hauler’s cockpit!
[SFX]: Pow! spang! spang! spang!
Chi’ra: Awesome. Firing in enclosed spaces! I gotta remember to try that some time.

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Published: Monday, 15 August, 2022; 17:04:18 PDT.
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