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Backstory 12: Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oh good lord Lady Proxima’s ugly. No wonder she keeps the place in the dark with blue lighting. And if she’s also sensitive to sunlight, does this mean that Proxima’s a Lady Nosferatu? A pliosaur-like vampire anyway.

Wow, that’s a fast rotation. Though given that it’s Jim, I bet the mathematics still work out somehow. In the grand scheme of things, lighting problems are a pretty minor plothole. And this hopefully means we’ll have some reasonably lit footage again!

I also just realized that out of all the people in the comic, Corey wasn’t around when this story was written in-universe. So he won’t have any character written with him in mind at all. Any bets that Corey’ll ask for a script part at this point? I’m thinking it’s still unlikely at the moment.


Jim: I threw the rock at the window and sunlight streamed in!
[SFX]: throw...
[SFX]: crash!
Jim: Proxima was sensitive to sunlight and it burnt her face!
Ben: I thought you said it was the dead of night.
Jim: It was later now.
Pete: It could only be maybe half an hour, max.
Jim: Well... <scribble>...
Jim: Corellia spins on its axis every two hours. It was daylight now.
Corey: Is that possible?
Jim: Who’s the planetary geophysicist here?

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:20 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net