Darths & Droids


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Episode 2579: The Sword and the Stones


This is kind of a dropped plot point in the story, alas. If some significant item in your campaign gets destroyed, or significantly damaged, make a big deal out of it. Think of how the Sword that was Broken in The Lord of the Rings—and specifically, how it came to be repaired—became a major plot.

If you're gonna break something important, do something interesting with it. Don't just give it back to the heroes like nothing happened.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ajan Kloss, not to be confused with Endor, the other jungle planet. And with two parts to the name, I bet this was either awkward to talk about, gets frequently shortened to Ajan or Kloss, or is just "new jungle planet". This one does seem to have more of the forest floor overgrowth, so that's a nice change. Kinda like last Episode having a salt planet instead of a snow planet, but here it's a little less striking in appearance and a little more sensible for a place life can be.

Anyway, even if Leia wasn't here to push diplomatic Force Arm-Wrestling, I doubt Rey would just get to start out with troops to train like that. I think that even Pete would have trouble getting that many assets with his current character build. So that just leaves roleplaying to get them and the GM gets the say there! Or other characters having leadership-focused builds, of course. Though if I saw that this early, I think I'd start expecting them to all bite the dust within the next 30 comic pages.

And so much for a reforging scene. Writer idea conflict perhaps? It feels weird to have the lightsaber fixed with no issues at all, so writers just making it be fixed like 5 minutes into the movie means either they didn't like the way that plot idea was going, or it wasn't meant to be an issue. And that second one just feels like wasting an opportunity.


BB-8: So what are Pete and I doing while this is happening?
GM: Rey and BB-8 are on Ajan Kloss, the new Resistance hideout world. It’s a lush jungle planet.
Rey: You said I was training for battle? I lead divisions of giant tanks on guerrilla raids against exercise targets.
GM: You’re training to be a Jedi.
Rey: I lead them with the Force.
BB-8: I reckon you’re meditating and levitating rocks.
Rey: Hey, Yoda isn’t here to push his diplomatic Force Arm-Wrestle dogma.
Leia: No, but I am.
Leia: Here. I had Chewbacca fix your laser sword.
Rey: I was going to do that!
Leia: Yes, I saw your attempt. Let’s not talk about it.

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Published: Tuesday, 04 February, 2025; 01:11:11 PST.
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