Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2575: The Shopping News     >

Episode 2575: The Shopping News


Sometimes news is so shocking that people just need to step back for a moment to process it.

Try to have moments like this in your adventure campaigns! Something utterly unexpected and mind-blowing. Something that makes no sense at all.

And then you get the fun of seeing the players try to make sense of it.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

I'm telling ya, it's gonna be the Clone Palpatine story again. It'd be very easy to mess that kind of story up in making a movie out of it with all of the descriptive details that get lost in translation. Plus, people could also be disappointed they brought back Ganon Palpatine again instead of focusing more on Kylo after he killed Snoke, the discount Emperor. Some of the friends I've got have talked about how large video game companies seem reluctant to try telling new stories; I could see that happening for movie franchises like Star Wars as well (though to be fair, I have been expecting a bunch of references and callbacks from the movies). But as a surprise bonus, Palpaclone would work well with the comic. Rather than being a secret planet whatsit, we've already got the Kamino cloners to do the job.

And of course this group that's been dispatched to gather intel: the main characters do everything! Everything important enough to show on-screen anyway. Though we do seem to have started out with a split party again. Last I knew, the Millennium Falcon didn't have an arboretum that BB-8 could be shown in front of for commentary. Rey hasn't shown up yet either, of course, but I'll bet she'll be in that forest scene with BB. BB kinda has that feel of being Rey's robobuddy like Artoo was for Luke, so them starting out the movie split up doesn't feel right.

Chewbacca in the beat panel is a perfect framing as well. It exudes an excellent balance of "where exactly did you think we were" and "why would you jinx us like that" exasperation that I really like from Ben-bacca.


Chewbacca: Wait wait wait. Palpatine is back?
Finn: Yeah, what’s this broadcast you mentioned?
GM: The voice of Palpatine announced a new trade empire, in competition with the First Order.
Poe: Awesome. Competition benefits the customer.
Chewbacca: I’m not so sure about this competition.
BB-8: Yeah, it didn’t help Kylo’s mail workers.
Poe: We need more information.
Finn: Yes. That makes sense.
Poe: Is there a price comparison site or something?
Chewbacca: I suggest we need to know more about who’s in charge. Is it really Palpatine?
Finn: And if so, how did he survive the Peace Moon explosion?
GM: It’s fortunate that General Organa dispatched agents to gather intel...
Poe: Cool! We’ll ask them. If they come back alive, haha!
Finn: It’s us, isn’t it?
Poe: Even better!

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Published: Sunday, 26 January, 2025; 01:11:22 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net