Darths & Droids


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Episode 2550: Her Park is Worse Than Her Plight


As stated very clearly in the GURPS rule books: A Disadvantage is not worth character points unless it actually comes up in play.

Corollary: To make it really worth it, the GM should make sure to lean into it as much as possible.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Finally! Poe's got the right idea now, and I can't believe I just said that. I wonder if the Falcon is enough for everyone to escape though. That's going to be a crowded ship if most of the people survived the initial assault. Sure, all of the skimmers are down and we've only seen Poe, Finn, and Rose get out of that, but there were all those people in the trenches as well.

And that totally is the best one-point Flaw Pete ever picked. I'd argue it's probably also one of the best one-point flaws I've ever seen as well. It's the perfect level of annoyance to cost, while not showing up everywhere or impacting other people too badly as well. I really hope Pete doesn't buy it off and we get to see it into the next movie as well.


Poe: Kylo... Kylo... is a monster...
Poe: Luke’s heroism has a purpose. He’s giving us time to escape.
Poe: How do we get out of here?
C-3PO: Luke said Rey was nearby. General Organa can signal her.
Kaydel Ko Connix: {sotto voce} So Rey gets to save the day again...
{inset panel of Leia’s decoder bracelet}
Leia: Rey! Are you there?
{inset panel of Rey’s matching bracelet, mounted on a gadget that R2 is plugged into}
R2-D2: Hey! I got a call on this thing.
Rey: Leia! Where are you?
Leia: We’re evacuating through the bunker’s rear entrance. Pick us up there.
Rey: Back door, huh? Good idea.
Rey: {pointing out the Falcon cockpit window} There it is!
Chewbacca: We just need to find... a parking spot.
[SFX]: woooooosh!
GM: Rey finds a spot and you set down. It’s a... <roll>... three kilometre walk to the door.
Rey: You’re really milking this, aren’t you?
GM: Best one-point Flaw you ever picked.

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Published: Thursday, 28 November, 2024; 01:11:02 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net