Darths & Droids


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Episode 2502: Talking is a Fire Reaction


It's an amusing personality trait to have a character critical of some action or habit among their peers or subordinates, but blind to their own blatant infractions on the same thing. It can be used for serious characters, but don't overplay it and keep it somehow sinister in intent. But it shines as a comedy relief trait of some less serious NPC.

Unless you play it waaaay over the top, when it becomes villainous again.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Heck yeah BB to the rescue! Wait, what's that you say? How's he driving the walker designed for humanoids? Who cares!

I figure at this point, it's less about having BB come out of nowhere to provide a rescue from a situation the writers put themselves in and more about finally having some proper ground/infantry fighting. And as we still haven't gotten back down to a planet yet, we might as well have it here. And really, even fighting in the burning wreckage of a spaceship while it's still in space is just the kind of splashy spectacle I want out of Star Wars.

All we need now is some scenes of the wreckage of the rest of the fleet later, and I think we can say that the Resistance has an even chance of pulling off a win! Mind you, the writers can still say there's more First Order ships around for whatever reason, so it's not a for-sure thing from the perspective of in-universe. Out-universe, I know there's a ninth movie, so the Resistance isn't going to completely lose in the end; some of the decisions getting there will just seem weird to me.


Rose: Speaking of recycled villains, can we do something about Phasma?
GM: She and her troopers raise their blast rifles.
Finn: And we have...?
GM: No weapons. No cover.
[SFX]: Ka-boom! {suddenly a huge explosion occurs next to Phasma}
BB-8: {hidden inside a chicken walker} BB ex machina, baby!
GM: BB-8 is driving an “Orion” class hunter-walker. Phasma and the troopers return fire.
[SFX]: Pow!
Trooper: General! Over its shoulder! Our attack ships are on fire!
[SFX]: Pow!
General Phasma: Pity the self-despising slaves of Heaven, Not me, within whose mind sits peace serene, As light in the sun, throned. How vain is talk!
[SFX]: Pew! Pew! {Phasma fires at the walker, her shots dwarfed by the massive firepower it wields}
[SFX]: kaboom! {in the background another explosion hurls troopers through the air}
Trooper: Er.. what?
General Phasma: I said shut up! You talk too much!

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Published: Thursday, 08 August, 2024; 02:11:06 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net